How do I become a guide?
In order to become a full member and an authorized tourist guide, you have to pass some qualifications. Ultimately, you must complete studies that fulfill the criteria by the Federation of Finnish Tourist Guide Associations and pass an oral demonstration of competence in guiding. The demonstration can be executed in Finnish or a foreign language, if you wish to guide in that particular language in Joensuu.
Depending on the studies, each guide must renew their authorization every 5 or every 8 years in order to keep their right to use the official Guide badge.
Support us
We work in co-operation with the City of Joensuu and various traveling agencies and organizations. If you want to support our association without becoming a guide yourself, you can join as a supporting member.
The membership fee for supporting members is 30 € in 2025 and you can become one by sending a message below:
You can download our current association rules from the button below (in Finnish only).